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Welcome to Ringwood u3a which was formed in 2012 in order to give those
no longer in full time employment the opportunity to develop their interests,
make new friends and enjoy a range of social and educational activities.
We are a friendly club currently with around 120 members and a number of interest groups including the very popular Monthly Pub Lunches, the New Forest & Beyond outings group and an extremely well supported Men’s Group.
Annual membership of Ringwood u3a is just £25 payable at the commencement of the year in September. This is reduced pro-rata throughout the year for new members only.
Potential new members & visitors are always warmly welcomed to our monthly meetings. First ‘taster’ visit free of charge with 2 subsequent visits prior to joining just £3 payable on the door. However only full members may join the groups.
Monthly meetings take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 2-4pm at Greyfriars. Please click the 'Meetings' button for more information.
All groups are organised and led by members with most taking place in members' own homes so that they are small and friendly. Full members may join as many interest groups as they wish at no extra charge unless the group has to hire a room when there will be a small additional cost.
Please click the 'Group Info' button to see details of all groups. If you would like to know more or after joining wish to join a particular group please contact the Group Leader - contact details are on the Group Info pages.
Please contact any of the Committee Members for general information.
The talk on 20th February on the topic of "A cruise Along the Jurassic Coast" will be given by Steve Belasco.
A few 'happy snaps' of the Xmas Party are now on the website.
Please do not attend meetings or groups if you feel unwell to avoid passing infections to other members.
Our AGM in April sees the end of the 3 year tenure of several of our current Committee members including the Chair and Secretary. Our club is unable to operate without people to fill these key roles so if you are able please consider becoming a Committee member. Please speak to Anne about these and other roles that need to be filled.
Our Programme Leaflet, which can be downloaded from this website, gives information on all Interest Groups, when they meet and details of the Group Leader as well as the Speakers at our monthly meetings for some six months ahead. The latest version is dated 13.2.25. Printed copies will be available at monthly meetings and from the leaflet display in Greyfriars. Talks for first half of 2025 now listed.
IMPORTANT:- If you see someone at a meeting who may be new please make them feel welcomed and included. Everyone has a role to play in doing this but we would like to recruit a team of people to become 'Welcome Buddies' and ensure that any visitors are introduced to others and told about groups that may interest them. Please talk to Barbara on the Welcome desk if you feel you could be part of this team.
June Edwards and Barbara Colman continue to look after the meeting REFRESHMENTS however they need the help of two others, each time. So if you are able please volunteer to assist. A Rota is being organised and you are asked to please sign up to help.
The next PUB LUNCH will be on Friday 28th February at The Carpenters Arms in Bransgore. Please let Ann or Judith know if you will be attending and your menu choices by Sunday 23rd. Please email the group on if you would like to be added to the group list.
The MEN's INTERESTS GROUP - The next outing will be to the Haynes Motor Museum near Yeovil sometime in March. Please email Roger on or ring him on 01425 470268 if you would like to join the group and be advised of future events.
The talk on 20th March will be on the topic of "My life on the Fairground" given by Kay Townsend.
WALKING GROUP - This group will be meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month for a 3 to 4 mile walk. However, due to holidays, the next walk will not be until April. Always remember to bring water, head covering and wear stout footwear. Well behaved dogs are welcome.
NEW FOREST AND BEYOND - The next outing will be to Wilton House on Wednesday 25th June. Travel by coach with a guided tour of the house. If you would like to know more or are interested in joining this group please contact Jo on
Our new group 'CHARITY CRAFTERS' lead by Yvonne O'Neil and Mary Brindley will take place from 2-4pm on the 4th Thursday of the month. They will be making Octopuses for preemie Babies and /or toys for charity, all knitted and/or crocheted, patterns and help will be given. If interested please contact Yvonne on or 01425 476687.
PETANQUE - Meets on Mondays at 10.30 at Avon Heath Country Park (parking charge £3 for 2 hours). Contact Judith for more information or just turn up.
The GAMES GROUP meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 2pm (please check with Jo re location). There will be a small charge (circa £2 depending on attendance) to cover room hire if held in Greyfriars. The group plays a range of games including Scrabble, Rummikub, Upwords, Mexican Train and card games - feel free to bring along your favourite if you wish. If you would like to take part please contact Jo Barratt on
SINGING FOR FUN meet at Greyfriars on 1st and 3rd Wednesday in the month from 2 - 4 p.m. It is a very informal singing group, no audition, just members who enjoy singing well known songs and meeting other members. There is a small charge which includes all the song sheets and refreshments. You are welcome to come along and give us a try. If you need any further information give June a ring on 01425 701810.
FAMILY HISTORY GROUP - Please contact Judith on or 07880 907073 if you would like to know more about this group and its future direction.
We would like to start more groups so please let us know if there is a particular interest that you would like to take part in. Judith is willing to lead groups in Art; French, German or Italian. If interested please contact her on or 07880 907073. Would anyone be interested in forming a Travel Group?
PING PONG- Although not a u3a group if you are a Greyfriars member do come along to the Activities Centre on Mondays where you will find other u3a members taking part from 1.45 to 5pm. Sessions cost £2.50 which includes drinks and biscuits.
Following last year's talk on Blashford Lakes you may like to consider joining the gentle "Healthy Walk" that take place there starting from the Tern Hide Car Park at 10.30 on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. These free organised one hour walks are on level paths around the Reserve lead by Nigel, a Hampshire Wildlife Trust Volunteer. We generally stop briefly at one of the bird hides en-route. A number of the walkers then go to Hockeys for coffee afterwards. May be cancelled if there is local flooding.
CONTACTING US --- There is an issue with contacting us via the website for some people due to the way their email is launched. If you have this problem please use the contact details that are printed on our downloadable leaflet.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (ICE) CARDS. The U3A have produced small 'credit card size' cards which fit easily into a purse or wallet to provide essential details in case members are taken ill at an event, particularly if on a walk or on a trip away from Ringwood. The idea is that you write your name, who to contact with a phone number and any medications, conditions or allergies on the card and KEEP IT WITH YOU. Then, if needs be, someone can find the card and have the appropriate information. Please pick up a card and fill it in then pop it in your purse/wallet - that way someone will be able to help you if necessary. Cards will be available from the Welcome Desk at monthly meetings or from Group Hosts.
New PHOTOS of group activities are always welcome for the website so if you can take a nice picture when you are part of a group or event please do (having first established that everyone is happy to have their picture published) and email them to Hazel.
If you have a MOBILITY issue, either short or long term, that is preventing you from coming to the monthly meetings or attending a group please contact a member of the Committee to see if we can find a local member who could provide a lift.
Did you know that u3a members can make savings on their shopping at major supermarkets and well-known brands with the Third Age Trust's u3a 'Click and Save' scheme? Just sign up to receive the Trust's monthly newsletter at for more information.
REMINDER - Have you renewed your Membership? Many thanks to those of you who have already paid by BACS - please collect your new membership cards from Yvonne at the next meeting. This year's fee remains the same at £25. If your details, or preferences, have changed please fill out the renewal form and hand it to Yvonne. You can pay by BACS, cheque or cash. Cheques made payable to "Ringwood u3a". Details for bank transfer: Ringwood u3a, Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-72-37, Account No 13297136, reference JUST 'your name'. Any queries/problems, please contact Yvonne on 01425 476687.
Please note that whilst every effort is made to keep this page and indeed the whole of the website current there may from time to time be a delay in updating the information provided. If you see anything that needs amending please advise Hazel by email -
If you are no longer in, or looking for full time employment you may join Ringwood u3a by downloading a membership form using this link. Existing members please use this link to renew.
When you have completed the form, if possible pay your membership by bank transfer to Sort Code: 20-72-37, Account No 13297136 with the reference as your own name. Alternatively you may take it, and your £25 membership fee, to the Thursday monthly meeting.
Ringwood u3a strives to be a friendly and welcoming organisation, available to all who are no longer in full time employment. Our main aim is that our members enjoy the experience of being a member. We do realise, however, that problems sometimes occur and, whilst we do not want to control every potential difficulty with a raft of rules, we have prepared the following statements to cover any situation that may arise.
If any member or prospective member's behaviour or presentation causes distress or offence to other members, the Committee have the right to ask for that behaviour or presentation to change. If this change does not take place the Committee will have the right to rescind or refuse membership to that individual. In order to maintain our informal and friendly atmosphere, we would strive to deal with problems of such nature in a quiet and discreet fashion. If a member feels that certain behaviour is detrimental to our organisation or themselves, please raise the issue with a member of the Committee.
Pete Jackson
June 2018
(Issued following the introduction of the new GDPR rules)
Membership details are stored on encrypted and password protected memory sticks
for use by designated members of the Committee only.
With the exception of email addresses, no membership details will be left on a
computer connected to the internet.
Email addresses are only used to send communications from Ringwood u3a to it’s
Postal addresses are only shared with the u3a Trust to enable them to distribute the
u3a magazine and for no other purpose.
Information will only be kept for administration purposes within the u3a while you
are a member, thereafter it will be deleted from our records.
We undertake to securely dispose of any printed documents containing your details
when no longer required.
We will not share any information about you with any other person or organisation
without your explicit permission.
Ringwood u3a can be contacted via email by completing all of the fields below.